What business structure do you need to activate the full potential of your organisation? Keys has a unique programme to evaluate your company’s structure.
In 1 day we turn the organiation inside out and let you look at your organisation in a completely new way. Are the right people in the right place? The aim is to set up a structure that activates growth in all impact areas of the organization: in-company, business and social.
1. Introduction and inspiration
2. Discover – During this inspiring session we explore the purpose of the organisation. What is it you do, what do you deliver of produce? For what purpose do you exist? What organisational structure is most appropriate and supportive?
3. Activate – A reality check. What is the current organisational structure? Does it correspond to the structure defined in the previous step? What are the areas that can be developed?
4. Multiply – We make a plan to transform the current structure to the structure that is desired. A clear step-by-step plan. So employees, teams and management know exactly what is expected of them. You can get started right away.
5. Conclusion – At the end of this day, you will have a clear and detailed organisational plan for you organisation or business. A tangible result after an inspiring day!
- A new way of thinking about the structure of the organization.
- Insight into what your organisation should do: what do you ask of an organisation?
- Design of a new organisational structure.
- A step-by-step plan to get started with this.

1 day
09:00 – 17:00 hours
Number of participants
Discuss options
Various locations in the UK and Ireland
£2900 (€ 3500) VAT included

With a new structure we
are really going to make a
Our method consists of three steps:
1. Intake
During an intake interview we get to know each other and the organisational profile of the organization. At Keys, the unique DNA of an organisation is always the starting point. From there we look at how the organisation functions and we explore which Keys programme is suitable for your organisation.
2. Organisational session with Keys
Together with one of our Keys Organisation Activators, you will be taken through our inspiring and activating organisational programmess. These programmes bring about transformation, and help you initiate a move in the desired direction.
3. Follow up
The session is the starting point. It is key that this is further developed, adjusted and optimized for maximum impact. Does your organisation want Keys to help with this? If so, we offer follow-up support to help you achieve maximum impact. You can always discuss this with the Activator and request a quote.

With a new structure we will really be able to make a difference.
The cost for this programme is £2900 (€3500) VAT included Is your organisation a non-profit? Please contact us for special rates.
Tbc Contact us for the possibilities.
Download our brochure here. Here you can find all relevant information in one document.
If you are interested in this programme or if you would like to book a session, please do not hesitate to contact us.